Duplicate a shipment (location not guaranteed)

Creation date: 8/2/2023 9:58 PM    Updated: 9/13/2023 9:01 PM

Seller Chain has the function of allowing you to duplicate a shipment.

Shipment duplication will not guarantee the same location. A new plan must be requested from amazon. The function will add add the shipment items to your pile.

1) Go to your shipment history

2) click duplicate shipment on next to the shipment you want to duplicate

3) Confirm the duplication

4) Pick a Ship-From Address

Ship-From-Address - A ship from address in you saved addresses

Use System Saved Address -  Seller Chain offers ship from addresses that you can select.

5) Select Fulfillment Centre - Choose the FC location from the list below that you would like to send this shipment to.

There are two tabs on this page

Pile Stack Items - On this tab you can view the items in the shipment as well as adjust the items quantity. You can also remove the item from the shipment.

All Plans tab - This tab will contain all the shipment plans you can choose from.

To generate plans press "Search for new FC" 

What is Magic?

Magic is Seller Chains in house program that will consolidate your shipment. Pressing Search for new fc will automatically use magic. If a plan appears that is not magic you can press "Magic this FC" and Seller Chain will try to get you a full shipment to that location.

just like magic!

Select the shipments you want to create.

You can select 1 or 8 shipment to create, our goal is to provide with a selection of great, consolidated plans.

Press Next: Create shipments

5) Confirm Your Shipments

To create the shipments you will need 2D barcodes enabled

Tutorial Section