Stranded Inventory ( Item_Stranded )

Creation date: 11/28/2021 9:02 PM    Updated: 9/11/2022 11:04 AM    check fba error fba inventory item_stranded stranded stranded inventory

Stranded inventory is inventory in a fulfillment center that does not have an active offer on Amazon.

The only way to remedy this error is to go on your seller central account and find the "Stranded inventory report" section.

Inventory can become stranded for many reasons. Amazon provides a Stranded reason column on Fix stranded inventory. This column shows why each listing is stranded. Hovering over the Stranded reason for a listing displays more information and instructions. For example, the listing for that product might have been suppressed or might have never been created, resulting in stored inventory that is accumulating storage fees but cannot be sold because the listing is not active.

Important: Amazon will notify you when you have stranded inventory. If you do not or cannot create a listing for your stranded inventory, or order its removal within 30 days of this notice, it will be designated unsellable. You are required to remove unsellable units.

primary-actionAction needed to bring your inventory out of stranded status. The possible actions are:
  • Relist: For products that have been listed previously but do not have an active offer, click Add a Product in the Inventory drop-down menu to create an offer. If you see a message indicating that your product is already listed but needs to be edited, click the provided link to update your listing.
  • Create removal order: For products you no longer want to sell, go to the Manage FBA Inventory page, select the product, and choose Create Removal Order from the drop-down menu on top.
  • Change to Fulfilled by Amazon: If you have an offer, but it is for a product that you fulfill yourself, none of your FBA inventory for that product will be available for sale. On your Manage Inventory page, select the product and click Change to Fulfilled by Amazon in the Action drop-down menu to enable FBA to pick, pack, and ship those products.
  • Create a new listing: If you have FBA inventory of a product that has never been listed, create a listing for your SKU by clicking Add a Product in the Inventory drop-down menu.

Note: When relisting a product or creating a listing, the following information must match the units in your FBA inventory:
  • ASIN
  • Condition
  • Merchant SKU
If these fields don’t match, the stranded inventory in the fulfillment center won’t be associated with the new listing.
date-strandedThis date shows how long your inventory has been stranded and without an active offer.
date-classified-as-unsellableThis is the date when the inventory will be classified as unsellable unless the offer is made buyable. You are required to remove unsellable units (which are “Unsuitable Units” as defined in the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement) as described in our Required removals policy.
status-primaryIdentifies whether the offer is active, inactive, or incomplete. Incomplete offers are those missing price or condition.
status-secondaryFor inactive offers, this field identifies the reasons — for example, blocked or out of stock.
error-messageFor select inactive offers, additional information is displayed here — for example, quality alerts.
asinUnique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that Amazon assigns to identify products. You can find the ASIN on the product details page.
skuUnique blocks of letters or numbers that you assign to identify your products
fnskuUnique identifiers that Amazon assigns to items stored in and fulfilled from a fulfillment center
product-nameThe name of your product
conditionThe condition of your product
fulfilled-byIndicates whether the product is listed for fulfillment by Amazon or by you.
fulfillable-quantityThe number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that can be picked, packed, and shipped
your-priceYour current selling price
unfulfillable-qtyThe number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that are in unsellable condition
reserved-quantityThe number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped or that are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes
inbound-shipped-qtyThe number of units of a SKU that you have shipped to Amazon and that are in transit
